Our people are, as a rule, fervent Catholics.
The faith has sunk deep into their souls.  It is not easy to measure spiritual realities, but there are some pointers that allow us to guess what is hidden within our hearts.

Our Parish grows in numbers also in Baptisms.
We can compare two years from our registers,
the first and last.

1944: 22 / 1965: 209
Our Church is filled to capacity 5 times.
One gets the impression that all fulfil their duties.
Though the percentage is quite high, only 59.4 % hear Sunday Mass.
A constant, chosen group, about 75 persons, attend daily Mass.
A good norm to gauge religious fervour.
We distribute 97,000 Communions per year.
On an average, 265 per day.
Every Catholic receives the Eucharist 22 times in a year.
The First Communions are about 210 each December.
Vocations show that there is enthusiasm in our Christian life.
7 young men and 10 young ladies have embraced the Religious life.
A real prop for their old Parish.
The family is the cell of Society.
If marriages are on the Increase, the Church grows.

1944: 8 weddings. 1965: 38

A good representation of our Parish passes to its reward every year.
There is excessive infant mortality.
Many old people died in 1965.
This increase is due to the Home for the Aged, opened recently.

1944: 25 / 1965: 65